Bismillahirahman ni rahim.....:))
lame sungguh rsnyer blog nih dah kene tinggal, fufufuuuu~
since my blog nih sbg catatan d important moment for me, i feel free to write anything, as d way i loike.....:)
thanx to those who read my precious life here...wink wink~^^
okie, cukup2 la mukadimah nyer....ngaa~
a great moment eva for this year,setakat ini..alhamdulillah....smlm, i bz wat surprise party utk nephew tercomel, syaurah mardhiah!!
hapie bufday syaurah.....:))
kejap je ea dye dah besor masuk 4tahun....
tahun nih dpt adiah semue baju...wahhaa....mak shu die bg chong sam pink, sungguh comel!
selepas jenuh meniup belon liat smp nak pecah gegendang telinga, last2 g beli pam terus!xD
n mencari kek chipmunk cartoon fav nyer time kecik2....^^
*sedaaaappp oOoo, 1st time kek abes tang tuh gak...laku3~malam pulak, rushing to Istana Budaya, watch Teater Tun Dr.Mahathir 2 bersama SA, anda sgt smart malam itu...;)
saje mau wat suprise yg x jadi suprise sbb dah tau awal2...
since we both love art performance,n penonton yg bole tahan ramai, so sgt meriah + enjoy mlm tuh....:))
n i knew u enjoyed watched it right?!hee~
d next day, tough day! bcoz we were lookinx 4 a new guy....big teddy bear!!huuaargggghh...*motip XD
tp bese lor kan, tang nak carik tuh la yg paling ssh nak jmp...cube kalo xcarik, jumpe sokmo.....@.@
tp seryes seyh mcm masuk amazing race!!!ngaa~
bcoz we r running out of tyme...! xtau kedai kat mane plak tuh...
at last, jmp kat maner?? mines jugak lah kan.......^^
thanx a lot to u Mohammad Saufi Ahmad!!sgt comeyll..................:)))
we have a quality time together....snap2 some pics, even meredah sesak2 camgituh...we have fun huh, blue zone, yellow mmg sgt serabut, berpusing2!!*.*~
p/s:: Thank you for EVERYTHING u had done!its can i repay all of it....donno what else to say, but i really.... such a lucky person to have u dear~
May Allah bless u owayz, giving u a hapie life 4eva!amin....
ku iringi doa buatmu selalu~
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